Say Hello to KIT
KIT is our proprietary software platform
We are proud to introduce you to KIT (Kindle Information Technology), our flagship software. Backed by 15 years of development, it is the indisputable leader in the local insurance market, having changed the way countless insurers manage risk throughout Africa.
The Robust and Flexible Architecture Underneath it all
After uncovering a need for a fully integrated insurance system by local and specialised insurers, Kindle founders built and developed KIT, our robust and flexible software platform.
The system was specifically designed to solve the most complex insurance and reinsurance problems experienced by, but not limited to, niche insurance companies in Southern Africa.
Apart from providing specialised software, KIT was developed as an integrated system to centrally handle all internal and external insurance requirements for ease of business management. This drive is still very much alive as we continuously improve KIT to better fulfill the changing needs of clients.
KIT Offers a Wide Range of Functionality
Each of the following features is provided in immense detail and with maximum flexibility to facilitate adaption while maintaining control:
Seamless Claims Management
KIT incorporates existing underwriting information into a fully integrated claims management process, tracking all transactions and automatically verifying premium payments and cover vs date of loss.
Full Cycle Reporting
KIT provides both standard and custom reports to tailor the information provided to our client’s unique needs and the software’s application.
Optimal Security
KIT enforces unbreachable user-specific security structures; access to critical sections is restricted on a user bases, audit trails are recorded on user actions and industry standards are enforced.
Robust Technical Architecture
KIT’s platform has been built to international standards and utilises the latest Microsoft technologies and standards, making it easy to implement, deploy and maintain.
Easy Access
Any branch, broker or individual with Internet access or company Intranet can log in securely.
Generic configuration allows us to create, configure and customise corporate and commercial products according to your needs.
Capture and store current and historic treaty programmes, automatically enforce limits and apply treaty-specific conditions (using risk categorisation and minimum EML/MPL levels).
And other functions: